
Kafka with Twitter

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Kafka with Twitter In the previous post, we setup a single node and then a multi node kafka cluster. We also built and ran custom Producers and Consumers in Scala. In this blog, we will take kafka one step further. We will read live twitter feeds and feed them to Kafa Pre-Requisites All the machines […]


Simple Kafka Demo

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Simple Kafka Demo In this blog, we will walk you through a simple Kafka Demo Create 3 Virtual Machines We will create a two node kafka cluster We will use the third node for compile the Java / Scala producers and consumers Please refer to the Vagrant Page if you need more details We used […]


Create Multiple Linux Machines using Vagrant

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Create Multiple Linux Machines using Vagrant Any type of demo or learning in the big data area needs multiple machines to be fully configured and setup. The initial setup task of configuring the IPs and connecting all the machines to the internet is fairly laborious and time-consuming. In this post, I will provide simple step […]